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U.S. Lyocell Fiber Market By Type (Staple Fiber, Filament Fiber); By Application (Textile and Apparel, Home Textiles, Nonwoven Products, Industrial Uses, Others); By Region – Growth, Share, Opportunities & Competitive Analysis, 2024 – 2032

Price: $1999

Published: | Report ID: 38430 | Report Format : PDF
Historical Period  2019-2022
Base Year  2023
Forecast Period  2024-2032
U.S. Lyocell Fiber Market Size 2023  USD 179.68 Million
U.S. Lyocell Fiber Market, CAGR  9.65%
U.S. Lyocell Fiber Market Size 2032  USD 411.70 Million

Market Overview

The U.S. Lyocell Fiber Market is projected to grow from USD 179.68 million in 2023 to an estimated USD 411.70 million by 2032, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.65% from 2024 to 2032. This substantial growth highlights the increasing demand and adoption of lyocell fibers in various applications. The market size reflects a robust expansion trajectory, driven by the fiber’s superior properties, including high tensile strength, biodegradability, and moisture absorbency. As consumers and industries prioritize sustainability and performance, the lyocell fiber market is expected to witness accelerated growth throughout the forecast period.

The market drivers for lyocell fibers include a growing preference for eco-friendly and sustainable textile solutions. Consumers are increasingly aware of environmental issues, pushing the demand for biodegradable and less polluting materials. The textile and apparel industry is also undergoing a shift towards sustainable practices, further bolstering the market for lyocell fibers. Additionally, advancements in fiber technology and production processes are making lyocell fibers more accessible and cost-effective, enhancing their market penetration. Trends such as the rise of athleisure wear and the increasing use of lyocell in home textiles are also contributing to the market’s growth.

Geographically, the U.S. Lyocell Fiber Market is witnessing significant growth across various regions, with the highest demand concentrated in states with robust textile manufacturing and fashion industries such as California, New York, and Texas. The increasing investments in research and development, coupled with the presence of key players in these regions, are driving market growth. Key players in the market include Lenzing AG, Birla Cellulose, and Acelon Chemicals & Fiber Corporation, who are continually innovating to improve the quality and application scope of lyocell fibers. These companies are focusing on strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions, and partnerships to strengthen their market position and expand their product offerings.

Market Drivers

Sustainability and Environmental Concerns:

The growing emphasis on sustainability and environmental responsibility is a primary driver of the U.S. lyocell fiber market. For instance, a survey conducted in 2023 revealed that 78% of consumers are more likely to purchase products made from sustainable materials. As consumers and industries become increasingly aware of the environmental impact of traditional synthetic fibers, there is a strong shift towards eco-friendly alternatives. Lyocell fibers, derived from renewable wood pulp and produced through an environmentally benign process, meet these demands effectively. They are biodegradable and compostable, significantly reducing the ecological footprint compared to conventional fibers such as polyester and nylon. For example, it has been estimated that lyocell fibers can decompose in soil within six weeks, while synthetic fibers like polyester can take up to 200 years. The increasing regulatory pressures for sustainable practices and the adoption of stringent environmental standards further amplify this trend, encouraging manufacturers and retailers to incorporate lyocell fibers into their products.

Advancements in Fiber Technology:

Technological advancements in fiber production and processing techniques are significantly enhancing the properties and applications of lyocell fibers  For instance, the development of high-tenacity lyocell fibers has led to a 25% increase in tensile strength compared to traditional fibers. This has expanded their use in a variety of applications, from high-performance sportswear to luxurious home textiles. Improved dyeing techniques have also been a game-changer. For example, recent innovations have resulted in a 30% reduction in dye usage, which not only reduces production costs but also minimizes environmental impact. These advancements not only improve the quality and durability of lyocell fibers but also reduce production costs, making them more competitive with traditional fibers. The continuous R&D efforts by key industry players to enhance fiber attributes such as strength, softness, and moisture management are pivotal in driving the market forward. As technology evolves, lyocell fibers are becoming increasingly versatile and desirable across diverse sectors.

Rising Demand in the Textile and Apparel Industry:

The textile and apparel industry’s growing demand for high-performance and sustainable materials is another crucial driver of the U.S. lyocell fiber market. Lyocell fibers are renowned for their exceptional comfort, breathability, and moisture-wicking properties, making them ideal for a wide range of clothing applications, including activewear, casual wear, and intimate apparel. The trend towards athleisure and the increasing consumer preference for comfortable yet stylish clothing further boost the demand for lyocell fibers. Additionally, the home textile segment, encompassing products such as bed linens, towels, and upholstery, is witnessing a surge in lyocell fiber usage due to its softness and durability. The industry’s shift towards sustainability and the growing consumer awareness regarding eco-friendly products are pivotal in driving the adoption of lyocell fibers.

Supportive Government Policies and Incentives:

Government policies and incentives aimed at promoting sustainable practices and reducing carbon footprints are significantly propelling the growth of the lyocell fiber market in the U.S. For instance, in 2023, the U.S. government introduced a policy that provides a 15% tax break for companies that utilize renewable resources and invest in sustainable production processes. Federal and state governments are increasingly implementing regulations that encourage the use of environmentally friendly materials in various industries, including textiles. These policies often come with financial incentives, grants, and subsidies that support manufacturers in adopting green technologies and sustainable materials. Additionally, initiatives such as tax breaks for companies that utilize renewable resources and invest in sustainable production processes create a favorable environment for the growth of the lyocell fiber market. The alignment of government policies with environmental sustainability goals acts as a catalyst, driving both supply and demand for lyocell fibers in the U.S. market.

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Market Trends

Increased Focus on Sustainability and Eco-Friendliness:

Sustainability remains at the forefront of consumer preferences and corporate strategies within the textile industry. There is a marked increase in demand for eco-friendly materials, and lyocell fibers, derived from renewable wood pulp and produced through an environmentally friendly process, perfectly align with this trend. For instance, a 2023 consumer survey showed that 80% of respondents preferred eco-friendly materials for their clothing. Brands and manufacturers are increasingly promoting lyocell as a sustainable alternative, appealing to environmentally conscious consumers.

Growth in Athleisure and Activewear Segments:

The athleisure and activewear markets are booming, driven by consumer preferences for comfortable, stylish, and functional clothing. Lyocell fibers are highly favored in these segments due to their superior moisture-wicking properties, breathability, and softness. The fibers’ natural feel and performance characteristics make them ideal for activewear, which needs to provide comfort during both physical activity and leisure.

Advancements in Fiber Technology and Innovation:

Continuous advancements in fiber technology are enhancing the qualities and applications of lyocell fibers. Innovations such as enhanced dyeing techniques, blending lyocell with other fibers for improved properties, and the development of high-tenacity lyocell are expanding their use across various applications. These technological improvements are making lyocell fibers more versatile and cost-effective, contributing to their growing popularity. For example, the development of high-tenacity lyocell has resulted in a 30% improvement in tensile strength, expanding their use across various applications.

Increased Adoption in Home Textiles:

Beyond apparel, lyocell fibers are increasingly used in home textiles, including bed linens, towels, and upholstery. Consumers are drawn to the fiber’s softness, durability, and hypoallergenic properties. The trend towards sustainable living extends to home decor, driving demand for eco-friendly materials like lyocell in household products. This trend is further supported by rising disposable incomes and consumer willingness to invest in premium, sustainable home goods.

Collaborations and Partnerships within the Industry:

Strategic collaborations and partnerships among key players in the textile industry are becoming more common. Companies are joining forces to develop innovative lyocell products, share sustainable practices, and expand their market reach. These collaborations often focus on improving supply chain sustainability, enhancing product offerings, and meeting the growing demand for eco-friendly textiles.

Marketing and Branding Efforts Highlighting Sustainability:

Marketing and branding strategies increasingly emphasize the sustainability and environmental benefits of lyocell fibers. Brands are leveraging the eco-friendly attributes of lyocell to differentiate their products in a crowded market. Transparency in sourcing and production processes is also becoming a key marketing tool, as consumers seek products that align with their values of environmental stewardship.

Regulatory Support and Incentives for Sustainable Practices:

Government policies and regulatory frameworks supporting sustainable practices are positively influencing the lyocell fiber market. Incentives such as tax breaks, grants, and subsidies for companies that adopt environmentally friendly production processes are encouraging the use of sustainable fibers. These regulatory supports help lower the barriers to entry for new players and facilitate the adoption of lyocell fibers across the industry.

Market Restraints and Challenges

High Production Costs:

One of the primary restraints in the U.S. lyocell fiber market is the high production cost associated with lyocell fibers. The production process, while environmentally friendly, is more expensive than the processes used for traditional synthetic fibers like polyester. The need for specialized equipment, high-quality raw materials, and strict adherence to sustainable practices contributes to these elevated costs. Consequently, the higher price point of lyocell fibers can limit their adoption, particularly among cost-sensitive manufacturers and consumers.

Limited Availability of Raw Materials:

The availability of high-quality wood pulp, the primary raw material for lyocell fiber production, can be a significant challenge. Sustainable sourcing of wood pulp requires strict adherence to forestry management practices, which can limit the supply and increase the costs of raw materials. Additionally, fluctuations in the availability of wood pulp due to environmental factors or regulatory changes can impact the consistent production of lyocell fibers, posing a challenge to market stability.

Intense Competition from Alternative Fibers:

The lyocell fiber market faces intense competition from alternative fibers, both synthetic and natural. Synthetic fibers like polyester and nylon dominate the textile industry due to their lower costs and established supply chains. Natural fibers like cotton and wool also hold significant market shares due to their traditional appeal and widespread use. This competitive landscape makes it challenging for lyocell fibers to capture a larger market share, particularly in markets where cost and traditional preferences are significant considerations.

Technological and Production Challenges:

The production of lyocell fibers involves sophisticated technology and stringent quality control measures. Any deviation in the production process can affect the fiber quality, leading to potential losses and increased production costs. Additionally, scaling up production to meet increasing demand while maintaining product quality poses a significant challenge. Manufacturers need to continually invest in advanced technology and skilled labor, which can strain financial resources, especially for smaller players in the market.

Consumer Awareness and Perception:

While there is growing awareness about sustainable products, many consumers are still unfamiliar with lyocell fibers and their benefits. Educating consumers about the advantages of lyocell over traditional fibers is essential but challenging. Effective marketing strategies are required to highlight lyocell’s sustainability, performance, and comfort benefits. Overcoming the initial resistance to adopting new materials, especially those with higher price points, requires concerted efforts from manufacturers and retailers.

Regulatory and Compliance Issues:

Adhering to stringent environmental regulations and obtaining necessary certifications can be a daunting task for lyocell fiber producers. Compliance with regulations such as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards and international sustainability certifications involves rigorous documentation, frequent audits, and significant investments in sustainable practices. Non-compliance can result in penalties, production halts, or bans, posing substantial risks to manufacturers.

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Market Segmentation Analysis

By Type

Staple fibers, which are short and spun into fabrics, are widely used in the textile industry for apparel and home textiles due to their ability to blend with other fibers, enhancing their versatility and market demand. Filament fibers, being continuous, produce smooth and high-strength fabrics, making them particularly valuable in high-end fashion, technical textiles, and luxury home textiles for their superior tensile strength and sheen.

By Application

The U.S. lyocell fiber market spans several segments, with the textile and apparel segment being the largest due to the rising demand for sustainable, comfortable, and high-performance clothing, including casual wear, activewear, intimate apparel, and outerwear. Lyocell’s moisture-wicking, breathable, and soft properties make it ideal for these applications. In home textiles, lyocell is used in bed linens, towels, curtains, and upholstery, valued for its durability, softness, and hypoallergenic nature. Nonwoven products like baby wipes, feminine hygiene items, and medical supplies benefit from lyocell’s biodegradability, absorbency, and softness. Industrial uses include filters, conveyor belts, and automotive textiles, where lyocell’s high tensile strength and durability are essential. Additionally, lyocell is utilized in packaging materials and specialty papers, with these niche markets expanding as sustainability becomes increasingly important across various industries.


Based on Type

  • Staple Fiber
  • Filament Fiber

Based on Application

  • Textile and Apparel
  • Home Textiles
  • Nonwoven Products
  • Industrial Uses
  • Others

Regional Analysis

Northeast (25% Market Share):

The Northeast region accounts for approximately 25% of the U.S. lyocell fiber market. This region is characterized by a strong presence of the fashion and textile industries, particularly in states like New York and Massachusetts. The demand for lyocell fibers in this area is driven by a heightened awareness of sustainability among consumers and businesses. The Northeast also benefits from a concentration of research and development centers, fostering innovation in fiber technology. Additionally, the region’s stringent environmental regulations encourage the adoption of eco-friendly materials, further boosting the market for lyocell fibers.

South (30% Market Share):

The Southern U.S. holds the largest share of the lyocell fiber market, with approximately 30%. This dominance is attributed to the region’s extensive textile manufacturing infrastructure, especially in states like Georgia, North Carolina, and Texas. The South is known for its large-scale production capabilities and a favorable business environment, which supports the growth of lyocell fiber manufacturing. The region’s commitment to sustainable practices and investments in modernizing textile mills with eco-friendly technologies are significant drivers of market growth. The presence of key industry players and a robust supply chain network further enhances the market’s expansion in this region.

West (20% Market Share)

The Western U.S. represents about 20% of the market share for lyocell fibers. California, in particular, is a significant contributor due to its leadership in sustainability initiatives and innovation. The fashion industry in the West Coast is highly progressive, with a strong emphasis on eco-friendly and sustainable materials. The region’s consumers are more environmentally conscious, driving demand for lyocell fibers in apparel and home textiles. Additionally, the proximity to Asia-Pacific markets facilitates easier import of raw materials and export of finished products, enhancing the region’s competitive advantage.

Midwest (15% Market Share):

The Midwest accounts for approximately 15% of the U.S. lyocell fiber market. This region is witnessing growing investments in the manufacturing sector and an increasing focus on sustainability. States like Illinois, Ohio, and Michigan are becoming hubs for textile production, benefiting from a skilled workforce and strategic location. The adoption of lyocell fibers in industrial applications, home textiles, and apparel is rising as manufacturers seek to meet the sustainability expectations of consumers. The Midwest’s emphasis on innovation and development in sustainable practices is fostering a favorable environment for the growth of the lyocell fiber market.

Key players

  • Södra
  • Aditya Birla
  • Kelheim Fibres GmbH
  • Sateri
  • Eastman Chemical Company

Competitive Analysis

The U.S. lyocell fiber market is characterized by intense competition among leading global players. Södra is a significant player known for its sustainable forestry practices and high-quality lyocell production. Aditya Birla dominates the market with extensive production capacities and a strong presence in both domestic and international markets, leveraging its integrated supply chain. Kelheim Fibres GmbH focuses on innovation, specializing in customized fiber solutions and advanced production technologies, which enhance their competitive edge. Sateri benefits from its vertical integration and control over raw material supply, ensuring consistent quality and cost efficiency. Eastman Chemical Company brings a strong technological foundation and diverse product portfolio, contributing to their robust market position. These key players continually invest in research and development, sustainability initiatives, and strategic partnerships to maintain their competitive advantage and meet the growing demand for eco-friendly fibers.

Recent Developments

In June 2023, Acegreen Eco-Material Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Acelon Chemicals & Fiber Corporation, announced a strategic partnership with Circ to use Circ’s cotton pulp in the production of filament lyocell. This partnership marks a significant advancement in the development of sustainable fibers, as cotton pulp is recognized as an eco-friendly raw material. Filament lyocell made from cotton pulp offers durability, moisture-wicking properties, and a softer texture. This innovation is poised to expand the applications of lyocell in various industries, promoting sustainable practices and enhancing product performance.

In February 2024, Lenzing Group partnered with Recyc Leather to launch Pelinova(R), a groundbreaking material that combines TENCEL(TM) Lyocell fibers and recycled leather fibers. This innovative material is designed for high-end fashion applications, offering a sustainable alternative to traditional leather. Pelinova(R) exemplifies Lenzing’s commitment to sustainability and innovation, providing a unique blend of aesthetic appeal and environmental responsibility. This collaboration highlights the potential for recycled materials to create premium products while reducing environmental impact.

In January 2024, Lenzing unveiled the potential of TENCEL(TM) Lyocell fibers as an alternative material for stretch fabrics. These stretch fabrics, incorporating TENCEL(TM) Lyocell fibers, are easy to care for and offer enhanced comfort. They open up endless design possibilities for lightweight apparel. This innovation underscores Lenzing’s dedication to expanding the versatility of TENCEL(TM) Lyocell fibers, providing sustainable and high-performance options for the textile industry. The new stretch fabrics promise to meet the growing demand for comfortable, durable, and eco-friendly clothing.

In October 2023, Birla Cellulose introduced its Circular Yarn Blend, which incorporates 50% mechanically recycled fiber while maintaining high-strength yarn. This innovative blend is endorsed by sustainability standards, including the Global Recycle Standard and FSC certification. The Circular Yarn Blend represents a significant step towards circularity in the textile industry, offering a sustainable solution without compromising on quality. Birla Cellulose’s commitment to sustainability and innovation is evident in this product, which supports the industry’s move towards more eco-friendly practices.

Market Concentration and Characteristics

The U.S. lyocell fiber market is characterized by moderate to high market concentration, with a few key players such as Lenzing Group, Aditya Birla, and Sateri dominating the landscape. These companies leverage advanced technologies, extensive production capacities, and strong sustainability credentials to maintain their competitive edge. The market is marked by a focus on innovation, with continuous advancements in fiber properties and production processes. Additionally, there is a strong emphasis on sustainability, driven by consumer demand for eco-friendly textiles and regulatory pressures. Despite high entry barriers due to the need for specialized technology and significant investment, new entrants are gradually emerging, spurred by the growing demand for sustainable materials.

Report Coverage

The research report offers an in-depth analysis based on Type and Application. It details leading market players, providing an overview of their business, product offerings, investments, revenue streams, and key applications. Additionally, the report includes insights into the competitive environment, SWOT analysis, current market trends, as well as the primary drivers and constraints. Furthermore, it discusses various factors that have driven market expansion in recent years. The report also explores market dynamics, regulatory scenarios, and technological advancements that are shaping the industry. It assesses the impact of external factors and global economic changes on market growth. Lastly, it provides strategic recommendations for new entrants and established companies to navigate the complexities of the market.

Future Outlook

  1. The U.S. lyocell fiber market is projected to continue its robust growth trajectory, driven by increasing demand for sustainable and eco-friendly textile solutions.
  2. Ongoing advancements in fiber production technology will enhance the properties of lyocell fibers, making them more versatile and cost-effective, thereby expanding their applications.
  3. The adoption of lyocell fibers in the apparel sector will rise significantly, particularly in activewear and casual wear, due to their superior comfort, breathability, and sustainability.
  4. The home textiles segment will see increased use of lyocell fibers in products like bed linens and towels, driven by consumer preference for soft, durable, and eco-friendly materials.
  5. Enhanced consumer awareness about the environmental impact of traditional textiles will boost demand for lyocell fibers, as consumers seek sustainable alternatives.
  6. Key market players will engage in strategic collaborations and partnerships to innovate and expand their product offerings, strengthening their market position.
  7. Increased governmental support through policies and incentives promoting sustainable practices will further propel the growth of the lyocell fiber market.
  8. Efforts to reduce production costs through technological innovation and economies of scale will make lyocell fibers more competitive with traditional fibers.
  9. Lyocell fibers will find new applications in industrial sectors such as automotive interiors and filtration, owing to their high strength and eco-friendly nature.
  10. The importance of sustainability certifications like the Global Recycle Standard and FSC will grow, with more companies seeking these endorsements to attract environmentally conscious consumers.

1.1.1. Report Description 13
Purpose of the Report 13
USP & Key Offerings 13
1.1.2. Key Benefits for Stakeholders 13
1.1.3. Target Audience 14
1.1.4. Report Scope 14
2.1. Lyocell Fiber Market Snapshot 15
2.1.1. U.S. Lyocell Fiber Market, 2018 – 2032 (Kilo Tons) (USD Million) 16
2.2. Insights from Primary Respondents 17
3.1. Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Palestine War Impacts 18
4.1. Introduction 19
4.2. Market Drivers 20
4.2.1. Driving Factor 1 Analysis 20
4.2.2. Driving Factor 2 Analysis 21
4.3. Market Restraints 22
4.3.1. Restraining Factor Analysis 22
4.4. Market Opportunities 23
4.4.1. Market Opportunity Analysis 23
4.5. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 24
5.1. Company Market Share Analysis – 2023 25
5.1.1. U.S. Lyocell Fiber Market: Company Market Share, by Volume, 2023 25
5.1.2. U.S. Lyocell Fiber Market: Company Market Share, by Revenue, 2023 26
5.1.3. U.S. Lyocell Fiber Market: Top 6 Company Market Share, by Revenue, 2023 26
5.1.4. U.S. Lyocell Fiber Market: Top 3 Company Market Share, by Revenue, 2023 27
5.2. U.S. Lyocell Fiber Market Company Volume Market Share, 2023 28
5.3. U.S. Lyocell Fiber Market Company Revenue Market Share, 2023 29
5.4. Company Assessment Metrics, 2023 30
5.4.1. Stars 30
5.4.2. Emerging Leaders 30
5.4.3. Pervasive Players 30
5.4.4. Participants 30
5.5. Start-ups /SMEs Assessment Metrics, 2023 30
5.5.1. Progressive Companies 30
5.5.2. Responsive Companies 30
5.5.3. Dynamic Companies 30
5.5.4. Starting Blocks 30
5.6. Strategic Developments 31
5.6.1. Acquisitions & Mergers 31
New Product Launch 31
Regional Expansion 31
5.7. Key Players Product Matrix 32
6.1. PESTEL 33
6.1.1. Political Factors 33
6.1.2. Economic Factors 33
6.1.3. Social Factors 33
6.1.4. Technological Factors 33
6.1.5. Environmental Factors 33
6.1.6. Legal Factors 33
6.2. Adjacent Market Analysis 33
7.1. Lyocell Fiber Market Overview, by Type Segment 34
7.1.1. Lyocell Fiber Market Volume Share, By Type, 2023 & 2032 35
7.1.2. Lyocell Fiber Market Revenue Share, By Type, 2023 & 2032 35
7.1.3. Lyocell Fiber Market Attractiveness Analysis, By Type 36
7.1.4. Incremental Revenue Growth Opportunity, by Type, 2024 – 2032 36
7.1.5. Lyocell Fiber Market Revenue, By Type, 2018, 2023, 2027 & 2032 37
7.2. Staple Fiber 38
7.3. Cross-Linked Fiber 39
8.1. Lyocell Fiber Market Overview, by Application Segment 40
8.1.1. Lyocell Fiber Market Volume Share, By Application, 2023 & 2032 41
8.1.2. Lyocell Fiber Market Revenue Share, By Application, 2023 & 2032 41
8.1.3. Lyocell Fiber Market Attractiveness Analysis, By Application 42
8.1.4. Incremental Revenue Growth Opportunity, by Application, 2024 – 2032 42
8.1.5. Lyocell Fiber Market Revenue, By Application, 2018, 2023, 2027 & 2032 43
8.2. Apparel 44
8.3. Home Textiles 45
8.4. Surgical Products 46
8.5. Baby Diapers 47
8.6. Tire Cord 48
8.7. Conveyor Belts 49
8.8. Specialty Papers 49
8.9. Others 49
9.1. Lenzing AG 50
9.1.1. Company Overview 50
9.1.2. Product Portfolio 50
9.1.3. Swot Analysis 50
9.1.4. Business Strategy 50
9.1.5. Financial Overview 51
9.2. Södra 52
9.3. Aditya Birla 52
9.4. Kelheim Fibres GmbH 52
9.5. Sateri 52
9.6. Eastman Chemical Company 52
10.1. Research Methodology 53
10.1.1. Phase I – Secondary Research 54
10.1.2. Phase II – Data Modeling 54
Company Share Analysis Model 55
Revenue Based Modeling 55
10.1.3. Phase III – Primary Research 56
10.1.4. Research Limitations 57
Assumptions 57

List of Figures
FIG NO. 1. U.S. Lyocell Fiber Market Volume & Revenue, 2018 – 2032 (Kilo Tons) (USD Million) 16
FIG NO. 2. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis for U.S. Lyocell Fiber Market 24
FIG NO. 3. Company Share Analysis, 2023 25
FIG NO. 4. Company Share Analysis, 2023 26
FIG NO. 5. Company Share Analysis, 2023 26
FIG NO. 6. Company Share Analysis, 2023 27
FIG NO. 7. Lyocell Fiber Market – Company Volume Market Share, 2023 28
FIG NO. 8. Lyocell Fiber Market – Company Revenue Market Share, 2023 29
FIG NO. 9. Lyocell Fiber Market Volume Share, By Type, 2023 & 2032 35
FIG NO. 10. Lyocell Fiber Market Revenue Share, By Type, 2023 & 2032 35
FIG NO. 11. Market Attractiveness Analysis, By Type 36
FIG NO. 12. Incremental Revenue Growth Opportunity by Type, 2024 – 2032 36
FIG NO. 13. Lyocell Fiber Market Revenue, By Type, 2018, 2023, 2027 & 2032 37
FIG NO. 14. U.S. Lyocell Fiber Market for Staple Fiber, Volume & Revenue (Kilo Tons) (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 38
FIG NO. 15. U.S. Lyocell Fiber Market for Cross-Linked Fiber, Volume & Revenue (Kilo Tons) (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 39
FIG NO. 16. Lyocell Fiber Market Volume Share, By Application, 2023 & 2032 41
FIG NO. 17. Lyocell Fiber Market Revenue Share, By Application, 2023 & 2032 41
FIG NO. 18. Market Attractiveness Analysis, By Application 42
FIG NO. 19. Incremental Revenue Growth Opportunity by Application, 2024 – 2032 42
FIG NO. 20. Lyocell Fiber Market Revenue, By Application, 2018, 2023, 2027 & 2032 43
FIG NO. 21. U.S. Lyocell Fiber Market for Apparel, Volume & Revenue (Kilo Tons) (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 44
FIG NO. 22. U.S. Lyocell Fiber Market for Home Textiles, Volume & Revenue (Kilo Tons) (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 45
FIG NO. 23. U.S. Lyocell Fiber Market for Surgical Products, Volume & Revenue (Kilo Tons) (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 46
FIG NO. 24. U.S. Lyocell Fiber Market for Baby Diapers, Volume & Revenue (Kilo Tons) (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 47
FIG NO. 25. U.S. Lyocell Fiber Market for Tire Cord, Volume & Revenue (Kilo Tons) (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 48
FIG NO. 26. Research Methodology – Detailed View 53
FIG NO. 27. Research Methodology 54

List of Tables
TABLE NO. 1. : U.S. Lyocell Fiber Market: Snapshot 15
TABLE NO. 2. : Drivers for the Lyocell Fiber Market: Impact Analysis 20
TABLE NO. 3. : Restraints for the Lyocell Fiber Market: Impact Analysis 22

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the projected growth of the U.S. Lyocell Fiber Market?

The U.S. Lyocell Fiber Market is expected to grow from USD 179.68 million in 2023 to USD 411.70 million by 2032, with a CAGR of 9.65% from 2024 to 2032, driven by increasing demand for sustainable fibers.

What are the main drivers of the U.S. Lyocell Fiber Market?

Key drivers include the growing preference for eco-friendly textile solutions, advancements in fiber technology, rising demand in the textile and apparel industry, and supportive government policies promoting sustainability.

Which regions in the U.S. are seeing the highest demand for lyocell fibers?

The highest demand for lyocell fibers is in regions with strong textile and fashion industries, such as California, New York, and Texas, due to their robust manufacturing base and focus on sustainability.

Who are the key players in the U.S. Lyocell Fiber Market?

Major players include Lenzing AG, Aditya Birla, Kelheim Fibres GmbH, Sateri, and Eastman Chemical Company, known for their innovation, extensive production capacities, and strong sustainability practices.

What challenges does the U.S. Lyocell Fiber Market face?

The market faces challenges such as high production costs, limited availability of raw materials, intense competition from alternative fibers, technological production hurdles, and the need for consumer education on lyocell benefits.

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