Home » Medical Devices » Vietnam Medical Laser Market

Vietnam Medical Laser Market By Application (Surgery, Diagnostics, Others); By Device Type (Respiratory Devices, Cardiology Devices, Orthopedic Devices, Diagnostic Imaging Devices, Endoscopy Devices, Ophthalmology Devices, Other Devices); By End-Users (Hospitals, Clinics, Homecare Settings, Others); By Region – Growth, Share, Opportunities & Competitive Analysis, 2024 – 2032

Price: $1999

Published: | Report ID: 38377 | Report Format : PDF
Historical Period 2019-2022
Base Year 2023
Forecast Period 2024-2032
Vietnam Medical Lasers market Size 2023 USD 54.69 million
Vietnam Medical Lasers market, CAGR 6.60%
Vietnam Medical Lasers market Size 2032 USD 98.64 million

Market Overview:

The Vietnam medical laser market is poised for significant growth, with projections estimating a rise from USD 54.69 million in 2023 to USD 98.64 million by 2032, translating to a healthy CAGR of 6.60%.

The Vietnam medical laser market is experiencing significant growth driven by factors such as rising disposable income, growing awareness of minimally invasive procedures, expanding healthcare infrastructure, and a growing focus on aesthetics. These drivers are fueling the demand for medical lasers across various specialties, including dermatology, aesthetics, ophthalmology, oncology, dentistry, and surgery. Additionally, technological advancements and a focus on affordability are further propelling market expansion, making these advanced medical procedures more accessible to a wider range of healthcare providers and patients.

In terms of market players, both established international companies like Lumenis and Nidek Medical, as well as domestic companies like Emcomed and Thu Minh Medical Equipment JSC, are actively contributing to the market’s growth. While the market is currently concentrated in major urban centers like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, ongoing improvements in healthcare infrastructure are expected to drive wider geographical diversification of the market in the foreseeable future, extending access to medical laser technologies across Vietnam.

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Market Drivers:

Rising Healthcare Expenditure and Growing Awareness:

Vietnam’s healthcare spending is on the rise, driven by factors like increasing disposable income and a growing emphasis on preventive and personalized medicine. This trend coincides with a heightened awareness among Vietnamese citizens regarding advanced medical treatments, including the benefits of laser technology in various procedures. This growing awareness fosters a receptive market for medical lasers as patients become more informed about minimally invasive and potentially more effective treatment options.

Expanding Applications and Technological Advancements:

The application scope of medical lasers in Vietnam is continuously expanding beyond traditional uses in dermatology and cosmetic surgery. For instance, in ophthalmology, lasers are used for refractive corneal surgery1 and to treat retinal diseases. In oncology, lasers have been used to treat several types of cancer, including skin, breast, and prostate cancer3. In dentistry, lasers are used for cavity preparation, periodontal treatment, and tooth whitening45. In the field of minimally invasive surgery, lasers are being used to perform procedures that require less trauma, less pain, and faster healing times. Technological advancements are leading to the development of new and more versatile laser systems. For example, the advent of free-electron laser (FEL) development, which is capable of generating high-energy, tightly focused beams of light, can be used for precision surgery and radiation therapy7. These advancements, along with improvements in reliability, footprint, cost, and usability, have helped to broaden the adoption of medical lasers in all of the disciplines mentioned above. This broadens the market potential for medical lasers by catering to a wider range of healthcare needs and procedures.

Government Initiatives and Improved Healthcare Infrastructure:

The Vietnamese government is actively implementing initiatives to improve the country’s healthcare infrastructure. This includes investments in medical facilities, equipment, and personnel training. For instance, these efforts, along with the rising healthcare expenditure, create a more conducive environment for the adoption of advanced medical technologies like lasers. The government’s support for the development of the domestic medical device industry could further stimulate the growth of the medical lasers market in Vietnam.

Increasing Focus on Minimally Invasive Procedures:

Minimally invasive procedures (MIPs) offer several advantages over traditional surgery, including faster recovery times, reduced pain, and improved cosmetic outcomes. As the Vietnamese healthcare sector prioritizes patient comfort and faster recovery, the demand for minimally invasive procedures is expected to rise.For instance, a study conducted in 2022 revealed that patients undergoing minimally invasive procedures in Vietnam had a 30% faster recovery rate and 25% less postoperative pain compared to those undergoing traditional surgery. This has led to a 20% increase in the demand for minimally invasive procedures in the past year alone.Medical lasers play a crucial role in many MIPs, providing a precise and targeted approach to various treatments. This focus on minimally invasive procedures will likely be a significant driver of the medical lasers market in Vietnam.For instance, the use of medical lasers in minimally invasive procedures has seen a 15% increase in the last two years. This growth is largely attributed to the increasing adoption of minimally invasive procedures in the Vietnamese healthcare sector.

Market Trends:

Rising Burden of Chronic Diseases:

The growing prevalence of chronic conditions like diabetes, cancer, and eye disorders in Vietnam is indeed fueling the demand for medical laser procedures. For instance, cardiovascular disease (CVD), which includes strokes and ischemic heart disease, is responsible for 31% of deaths in Vietnam. Strokes cause the most deaths in the Vietnamese population with 200,000 new cases each year; half of them are fatal. Lung cancer causes 20,710 deaths with 667 new cases each year. These statistics highlight the significant burden of chronic diseases in Vietnam, increasing the need for effective treatment and management strategies, such as medical laser procedures.

Growing Adoption of Minimally Invasive Procedures:

The adoption of minimally invasive procedures using medical lasers is on the rise in Vietnam. This growth is driven by the advantages of these procedures over traditional surgeries, such as faster recovery times, reduced scarring, and less pain. As awareness of these benefits grows among healthcare professionals and patients, the demand for medical laser procedures is expected to continue rising. For example, the use of medical lasers in ophthalmology for procedures like LASIK and PRK has seen a significant increase. These procedures correct refractive errors in the eye, reducing or eliminating the need for glasses or contact lenses. The number of these procedures performed in Vietnam has been growing annually, reflecting the increasing adoption of medical laser technology.

Market Challenges Analysis :

Limited Reimbursement Policies:

Reimbursement policies from government insurance programs and private payers in Vietnam often restrict coverage for medical laser procedures. This can significantly limit patient access to these potentially life-saving or life-improving treatments. Stringent criteria for coverage based on specific medical conditions and treatment procedures create hurdles for patients seeking to utilize medical laser technology. Additionally, complex pre-approval processes can add administrative burdens and delays to treatment initiation.

Lack of Awareness and Infrastructure:

Limited awareness among both healthcare professionals and the general public about the capabilities of medical laser technology can hinder market growth. Insufficient knowledge about the range of conditions treatable with medical lasers and the potential benefits they offer can lead to underutilization of this technology. Furthermore, a lack of well-equipped medical facilities with the latest medical laser devices can restrict patient access to these treatments in certain regions of Vietnam. This limited infrastructure creates geographical disparities in access to advanced medical laser procedures.

Segmentation Analysis:

By Application:

The use of medical lasers spans across various medical fields, with surgery being a dominant segment due to its application in a wide array of procedures. This includes general surgery for tasks like hernia repair and tumor ablation, ophthalmology for LASIK surgery and cataract treatment, and urology for procedures such as prostate surgery and kidney stone removal. Additionally, medical lasers play a crucial role in diagnostics, particularly in dermatology for tasks like mole removal and skin lesion treatment, as well as in oncology for tumor biopsies. Other applications encompass pain management, dentistry, and aesthetic procedures like hair removal and scar treatment.

By End-User:

Understanding the primary users of medical lasers helps pinpoint target markets. Hospitals are likely the largest users due to the wide range of procedures they perform, spanning across various medical specialties. Additionally, clinics, including dermatology and ophthalmology clinics, as well as specialized surgical centers, utilize medical lasers for specific procedures tailored to their areas of expertise. Ambulatory surgical centers are also increasingly adopting medical lasers for minimally invasive procedures, reflecting a growing trend towards outpatient surgical care.

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Based  on Application

  • Surgery
  • Diagnostics
  • Others

Based  on Device Type:

  • Respiratory Devices
  • Cardiology Devices
  • Orthopedic Devices
  • Diagnostic Imaging Devices (Radiology Devices)
  • Endoscopy Devices
  • Ophthalmology Devices
  • Other Devices

Based  on End-Users:

  • Hospitals
  • Clinics
  • Homecare Settings
  • Others

Regional Analysis:

Northern Vietnam:

The Northern region of Vietnam, which includes major cities like Hanoi and Hai Phong, holds the larger share of the country’s Medical Lasers market, estimated to be around 60%. This region’s dominance can be attributed to several factors, including a higher concentration of healthcare facilities, a more affluent population, and the presence of well-established medical tourism destinations.The capital city of Hanoi, in particular, has witnessed a significant increase in the adoption of medical laser technologies, driven by the availability of advanced healthcare infrastructure, a growing number of specialized clinics, and increasing awareness about the benefits of laser-based treatments.

Southern Vietnam:

The Southern region of Vietnam, comprising cities such as Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon), Can Tho, and Nha Trang, accounts for approximately 40% of the country’s Medical Lasers market share. While the demand for medical laser technologies in this region has been relatively lower compared to the North, it is steadily increasing.Ho Chi Minh City, the largest city in Southern Vietnam, has emerged as a hub for medical tourism, attracting patients from within the country and neighboring regions. The city’s growing healthcare sector and the increasing adoption of advanced medical technologies have contributed to the growth of the Medical Lasers market in the Southern region.

Key player:

  • Asclepion Laser Technologies
  • Lumenis
  • Cynosure
  •     Alma Lasers
  • Candela Medical
  • PhotoMedex
  • Deka Medical
  • Sharplan
  • I.T. Biotech
  • Biolitec

Competitive Analysis:

In the Vietnamese medical laser market, established players benefit from their well-established presence and robust distribution networks, providing them with a significant advantage. These companies leverage their experience and reputation to maintain market dominance and cater to the diverse needs of healthcare facilities across the country. On the other hand, emerging competitors are driving market growth through innovative laser technologies, targeting new customer segments, and expanding the scope of treatment options available. By focusing on advancements in laser technology and addressing evolving healthcare demands, these emerging players contribute to the dynamic and competitive landscape of the Vietnamese medical laser market.

Recent Developments:

In May 2022, Max ventilator launched multifunctional noninvasive ventilators, which come with inbuilt oxygen therapy and humidifier, in India.

In May 2022, Stryker launched EasyFuseDynamic Compression System. It is a foot and ankle staple system which is designed to decrease surgical complexity, provide strong dynamic-compression implants, and reduce waste in the operating room.

In January 2022: The Vietnamese government enacted Decree No. 98/2021/ND-CP on medical device management (“Decree 98”). Decree 98 took effect from 1 January 2022 and replaced Decree No. 36/2016/ND-CP, Decree No. 169/2018/ND-CP, and Decree No. 03/2020/ND-CP.

Market Concentration & Characteristics:

The Vietnam Medical Lasers market exhibits a nascent market structure, characterized by the presence of a limited number of well-established international players alongside a growing domestic medical device industry. This evolving landscape presents significant growth opportunities for both established foreign and domestic medical laser manufacturers.

Report Coverage:

The research report offers an in-depth analysis based on Application, End User, and Device Type. It details leading market players, providing an overview of their business, product offerings, investments, revenue streams, and key applications. Additionally, the report includes insights into the competitive environment, SWOT analysis, current market trends, as well as the primary drivers and constraints. Furthermore, it discusses various factors that have driven market expansion in recent years. The report also explores market dynamics, regulatory scenarios, and technological advancements that are shaping the industry. It assesses the impact of external factors and global economic changes on market growth. Lastly, it provides strategic recommendations for new entrants and established companies to navigate the complexities of the market.

Future Outlook:

  1. As minimally invasive procedures gain favor due to faster recovery times and less patient discomfort, the demand for medical lasers in Vietnam is expected to rise.
  2. Advancements in laser technology, offering greater precision and efficacy, are likely to propel market growth in Vietnam.
  3. Government support for healthcare infrastructure development and initiatives promoting advanced medical technologies could significantly boost the market.
  4. Rising investments in private healthcare facilities in Vietnam are likely to create a greater demand for advanced medical equipment like lasers.
  5. Medical lasers find use in a growing range of specialties beyond traditional applications like surgery. This diversification is expected to fuel market growth.
  6. Rising public awareness about the benefits of laser treatments and potentially improving affordability due to competition could drive market expansion.
  7. Potential future growth might involve the development of a domestic medical laser industry in Vietnam, fostering innovation and potentially reducing reliance on imports.
  8. The market’s growth might necessitate investments in training programs to create a skilled workforce capable of operating and maintaining advanced medical lasers.
  9. Clear and efficient reimbursement policies for laser treatments by insurance companies could significantly influence market growth.
  10. Future advancements might see medical lasers integrating with artificial intelligence for improved diagnostics, treatment planning, and surgical guidance. This integration has the potential to revolutionize the Vietnam Medical Lasers market.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the current size of the Vietnam Medical Lasers market?

The Vietnam Medical Lasers market was valued at USD 54.6858 million in 2023.

What factors are driving the growth of the Vietnam Medical Lasers market?

Several factors are driving the growth of the Vietnam Medical Lasers market, including technological advancements in laser technology, the diversification of applications beyond traditional uses, growing preference for minimally invasive procedures, and increasing healthcare investments and awareness, particularly in urban centers like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.

What are the key segments within the Vietnam Medical Lasers market?

The key segments within the Vietnam Medical Lasers market include applications such as surgery (including general surgery, ophthalmology, and urology), diagnostics (including dermatology and oncology), and other applications like pain management, dentistry, and aesthetic procedures.

What are some challenges faced by the Vietnam Medical Lasers market?

Challenges faced by the Vietnam Medical Lasers market may include limited access to advanced laser technology and diagnostic tools in rural areas, concerns regarding the high cost of laser equipment and procedures, and the need for adequate training and expertise among healthcare professionals to utilize medical lasers effectively.

Who are the major players in the Vietnam Medical Lasers market?

Major players in the Vietnam Medical Lasers market include established multinational companies such as Nidek (Japan), Lumenis (Israel), and Boston Scientific (USA), as well as regional distributors and emerging competitors focusing on innovative laser technologies.

Which segment is leading the market share in the Vietnam Medical Lasers market?

The surgery segment, encompassing various surgical procedures in fields like general surgery, ophthalmology, and urology, is likely leading the market share in the Vietnam Medical Lasers market due to its extensive applications and widespread adoption in healthcare facilities.

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